My first priority after arriving in Hong Kong in1974 and landing a job with unexpected speed was to get a suit made, since my backpack's contents did not include such items. 我1974年来到香港,以意想不到的速度找到了工作,然后当务之急是要做一套西服,因为我的背包里没有这样的装备。
She says a priority is to finish the job of polio eradication. 她说,一项首要任务是完成根除脊髓灰质炎即小儿麻痹症的工作。
It is now checking to see whether there are any suitable applicants from Germany or other EU countries, since they would have to be given priority for job placement. 现在正在进行的是核实在德国或其他欧盟国家有无合适人选,因为他们有获得工作安置的优先权。
I have already given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineers working on the job to be placed on overtime. 我已指示这项工作优先做并让工程人员加班。
The higher the default priority level number, the lower the priority of the job. 缺省优先级编号越高,作业的优先级就越低。
In states that make it a priority to educate our youngest children, like Georgia or Oklahoma, studies show students grow up more likely to read and do math at grade level, graduate high school, hold a job, form more stable families of their own. 在那些以教育最小的儿童为优先任务的州,比如佐治亚州或者亚拉巴马州,研究报告称学生长大后会更加有能力阅读和做数学、从高中毕业、找到工作、建立他们自己更稳定的家庭。
We will give priority to job creation in promoting economic and social development and create equitable job opportunities for all. 坚持把增加就业作为经济社会发展的优先目标,为全体劳动者创造公平的就业机会。
You see, our first priority is to enhance job satisfaction in our employees. 你知道,我们首先应该去增强员工的工作满意感。
My staff knows my door is always open, but they also know my number-one priority is getting the job done right and on time. 我的员工知道我的大门时时刻敞开的,并且他们也知道我最关心的是把工作按时圆满的完成。
So, now I understand that tennis is top two in my life, maybe not the biggest priority, but that's my job. 所以现在我明白了,网球是我生活中第二重要的事,可能不是最优先的,但那是我的工作。
Changing priority of batch job 变更成批作业优先级
We do want to show people this matters to the top priority that Americans have right now, which is economic recovery, job creation and growth. 我们的确想告诉人们,此举事关美国人民当前面临的首要问题,即经济复苏、创造就业和增长。
They have the opinion that the top priority before seeking for a job is to strengthen their professional capability. 大多数认为求取前最重要的是提高自己的专业能力。
The first step toward improving the capability of the workforce is to get managers to take workforce activities as high priority responsibilities of their job. 改善员工能力的第一步就是让经理们将人事活动作为他们工作中的高优先级的职责。
( a) Local workers must be given priority in filling job vacancies available in the job market; 就业市场如有职位空缺,雇主必须优先雇用本地工人;
Philips says any scholarship student who finishes college will be given hiring priority over other job applicants by the participating businesses. 飞利浦说,任何获得项奖学金的学生毕业后比其他应聘者能够优先获得参与这项计划的企业的聘用。
We encourage APEC economies to give priority to stabilizing and expanding employment, implementing macroeconomic policies in favor of job creation, and strengthening capacity building for human resources development, vocational skills development and skill training for youth. 我们鼓励亚太经合组织经济体优先关注稳定和扩大就业,实施有利于就业的宏观经济政策,加强人力资源能力建设、职业技能开发和青年技能人才培养。
Scheduling Technology and Algorithm Based on Priority Constraints in Job Shop Mode 非量产模式下基于约束加优先权值调度技术与算法
And local priority load balancing method was presented based on multilevel network architecture to reduce cost of process migration to effectively improve executive performance of parallel job and resource utilization ratio. 并针对多级网络结构的集群系统的优势提出了集群系统中局部优先负载平衡的策略来降低进程迁移的代价,有效地提高了并行作业的响应时间,提高了系统的资源利用率。
To settle current problems of employment, It's required to do well in the following several points: give the priority to job enlargement of macroeconomic policy; 解决当前的就业问题主要从以下几个方面入手:将扩大就业作为宏观经济政策的优先目标;
Teachers shouldn't only transfer knowledge, but also give special priority to building up students'competence which enables them to better cope with their future job and challenge. 教师在注重传授知识的同时,更要着眼于学生能力的提高,以增强其岗位和职业的适应性。
Labor market segregation between urban and rural areas was the product of governmental development strategy giving priority to heavy industry, and is sustained for the protection urban residents 'job security. 劳动力市场城乡间分割,在改革之前是政府推行重工业优先发展战略的需要,在改革以来则是受到城市利益集团的影响而得以维持。